4-axis CNC machining centre designed for working bars or parts in aluminium, PVC, light alloys in general and steel up to 2 mm. The machine can operate in single-piece and multi-piece mode, with a single work area for bars up to 7,7 m in length. The COMET X6 model allows machining in pendular mode, with two independent work areas. The machine has a 10-place tool magazine, on the X axis gantry, with the possibility of hosting an angle machining head and a milling disc, to perform machining on the 5 sides of the workpiece. The 4th NC axis allows the electrospindle to rotate from 0° to 180° and position itself at any intermediate angle. The machine can therefore perform machining operations on the top and side faces of the profile at any angle within the range. It also has a mobile work table that facilitates the workpiece loading/unloading operation and significantly increases the workable section.
1F = 1 face machining 5F = 5 faces machining
Dimensions in mm
The industrial label printer allows each cut profile to be identified with identifying features from the cutting list. In addition, barcode printing enables easy identification of the profile itself, which is particularly useful for subsequent machining steps on Machining Centres or assisted assembly lines.