Voilàp GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE (January 2024 version)

1. General
1.1 The following conditions (“GTCS”) apply for all quotations we issue and for all transactions we conclude with the Purchaser, including those that are conducted by way of e-commerce. The general terms and conditions of the Purchaser or of third parties shall not be applicable, except if we expressly accept their application for individual cases in writing. In the event that framework agreements (e.g. global agreements) exist between us and the Purchaser, the divergent provisions in the framework agreements shall take precedence.
1.2 All of our quotations are subject to confirmation and are non-binding inasmuch as they have not been expressly designated as binding or do not contain a specific deadline for acceptance. We reserve the right to accept orders or jobs from the Purchaser within ten days of receipt.
1.3 Unless a contract is signed by both parties, our written order confirmation is decisive for the content of the contract, especially as regards pricing, scope of services, quality of services, performance time frame, other deadlines and legal and commercial conditions. All other terms agreed shall apply only secondarily. Verbal agreements or assurances before conclusion of the contract are legally non-binding and are replaced by the written contract inasmuch as it is not expressly evident from them that they are of a continuously binding nature. Subsequent changes and additions to the contract shall only be valid when we have confirmed them in writing.
1.4 The documents associated with a quotation, such as illustrations, drawings, weight and dimensional specifications, are only approximates and are only binding inasmuch as they have been expressly designated as being binding. We reserve the right to make changes in the design and technical execution provided that this does not materially affect the functionality of the product. We reserve the copyright for drawings, documentation and other papers, including all IP and administrative rights. These must not be made accessible to third parties or exploited in any other manner without our prior written consent. The Purchaser commits to only provide third parties access to plans that we have marked as confidential with our consent.
1.5 All deliveries to the Purchaser are subject to the reservation that our own supply deliveries are correct and timely, also with respect to the necessary raw materials and base products for the products to be delivered to the Purchaser. If these do not take place or are not timely, we shall inform the Purchaser promptly and we are entitled to withdraw from the contract within a reasonable time period. If a withdrawal occurs, we shall promptly refund to the Purchaser any payments already received.

2. Prices / Payment
2.1 In the absence of special agreements, prices are without discount or other reductions EX WORKS our headquarter (INCOTERMS 2020), inclusive of loading, but exclusive of packaging and the respective statutory VAT.
2.2 If the Purchaser omits to perform an action incumbent on him, and thereby makes it impossible for us to perform the sale/service (within the specified time), or if he fails to make a due payment or otherwise defaults, we are entitled to grant him a reasonable period of time to perform the contract and give due warning that the contract will be terminated if the period of time expires ineffectually. If the Purchaser fails to carry out the previously omitted action before this period of time expires, we are entitled to terminate the contract and dispose of the delivery item in another manner and to claim for compensation of all damages. Any payments already made and the value of those parts that can be re-used without modification will be offset and deducted from such damage claim. If the Purchaser is not responsible for the breach of contract, we are only entitled to demand payment of any unavoidable costs incurred up to the date of termination. This is without prejudice to any other rights and claims (e.g. claims for damages in the event of breach of duty by the Purchaser).
2.3 If, after conclusion of the contract, we become aware of any concrete and objectively verifiable circumstances concerning the Purchaser or his country or residence, in view of which our claims no longer appear sufficiently secure according to business principles, we are entitled to perform our own duties under the contract only after payment of further advance payments or provision of securities by the Purchaser. If the Purchaser fails to make further advance payments or provide securities on request within a reasonable period of time granted to him, we are entitled to withdraw from the contract.
2.4 No payments may be offset or withheld on the basis of the Purchaser's claims - e.g. claims arising from liability for defects - unless such claims are undisputed or bindingly adjudicated by a court of law.
2.5 If our suppliers increase their prices between the conclusion of the contract and the delivery date, we reserve the right to adjust the agreed prices accordingly. This shall also apply if we can evidence increases in costs of manufacturing e.g. due to energy costs.

3. Delivery period and default in delivery
3.1 Unless expressly agreed otherwise, all delivery dates are non-binding and estimates only. The delivery period begins with the dispatch of the order confirmation/conclusion of the contract, however, not before the provision of documents, permissions or approvals which the Purchaser must secure or before receipt of an agreed payment. Any failure to provide necessary documents or Information or make agreed down payments on the part of the Purchaser shall entitle us to reschedule the delivery. Should the new delivery time exceed 6 (six) months, the Purchaser's right to withdraw from the contract is recognized. If no other delivery deadline and no delivery time is specified, then a delivery period of twelve weeks as of issuance of the order confirmation shall apply; otherwise, six weeks as of the fulfilment of the respective final remaining condition.
3.2 The delivery period is deemed to be fulfilled if, before it expires, the delivery item has left the factory (or the Group Hub) or in case a pick-up of goods has been agreed notification has been made of its readiness for dispatch.
3.3 The delivery period shall be extended reasonably in the event of measures in the context of labor disputes, especially strikes or lock-outs, as well as in the event of unforeseen hindrances that lie beyond the Supplier's control inasmuch as such hindrances demonstrably exert a considerable influence upon the completion or delivery of the delivery item.
3.4 We are entitled to make partial deliveries or perform partial services if the partial delivery or partial service is of use to the Purchaser within the context of the contractual intended purpose, the remaining delivery is ensured and the partial delivery or partial service does not cause any considerable additional effort and no additional costs for the Purchaser (except if we bear these costs).
3.5 If dispatch is delayed by request or on the initiative of the Purchaser, then the costs arising from storage shall be charged to the Purchaser beginning one month after notification of readiness for dispatch. The right of exercise and the proof of further storage costs incurred by us or the proof of lower storage costs by the Purchaser are reserved. However, after setting a reasonable time period that expires ineffectually, we are entitled to dispose of the delivery item in another manner and to supply the Purchaser within a reasonably extended period of time or withdraw from the contract.
3.6 Compliance with the delivery period is contingent upon the Purchaser's fulfilment of his contractual obligations.
3.7 All (binding and non-binding) delivery dates are subject to reasonable and timely delivery by the suppliers, subcontractors or logistics companies commissioned by us. We will inform the Purchaser of any delays as soon as possible. Delivery dates shall be extended accordingly, and we shall not be liable for delays caused by the suppliers, subcontractors or logistics companies commissioned by us. In particular, we shall not be liable for delays which are due to failure on the part of suppliers, subcontractors or logistics companies to provide the services owed to us in good time, despite having been commissioned in good time.
3.8 We shall not be released from the obligation to meet a binding delivery date if the Purchaser proves that we are responsible for the non-delivery.
3.9 If the Purchaser does not accept or take delivery of the delivery item in spite of a reminder or falls behind on payment of the agreed price, we are entitled to withdraw from the contract and to demand liquidated damages at a flat rate of 25 % of the total agreed price. The right of exercise and the proof of higher damages incurred by us or the proof of lower damages by the Purchaser are reserved.

4. Passing of risk
4.1 Unless otherwise provided for in the order confirmation/contract (also with reference to INCOTERMS), the risk passes to the Purchaser at the latest upon handing over of the delivery items to the carrier, freight forwarder or other third party assigned to carry out the shipping, even if partial deliveries were made or if we undertook to perform other services, e.g. cover dispatch costs or transport and set-up.
4.2 If dispatch is delayed due to circumstances for which the Purchaser is responsible, the risk passes to the Purchaser at the date the delivery item is ready for dispatch and we have notified the Purchaser of this fact.
4.3 At the Purchaser's request and expense, we will insure consignments against theft, fire and water damage, and other insurable risks.
4.4 Notwithstanding the rights under section 7, the Purchaser must take delivery of delivered items even if they display minor defects.

5. Retention of title / Insurance
5.1 We retain title to the delivered goods until all our claims have been settled in full, including such claims arising in future from the business relationship with the Purchaser.
5.2 The Purchaser undertakes to handle the delivery item with care and to insure it at his own expense in our favor against theft, breakage, fire, water and other damage for the duration of retention of title. The Purchaser shall furnish proof of such insurance to us.
5.3 The Purchaser is not entitled to resell the delivery item. For the eventuality of resale, the Purchaser herewith assigns the claims against the buyer arising from such sale to us as security for our purchase price claim. Under no circumstances is the Purchaser authorized to assign the claims against the buyer to a third party.
5.4 Any connection, treatment or mixing of the delivery items by the Purchaser during the retention of title shall be made on behalf of us and we shall become the owner of the connected, treated or mixed goods as by statutory laws.
5.5 We authorize the Purchaser to collect the amounts receivable assigned to us in his own name and for our account.
5.6 If the Purchaser falls behind on payment for the delivery item, we are entitled to either withdraw from the contract or without withdrawing from the contract to demand from the Purchaser the surrender of delivered delivery items which are still subject to retention of title.
5.7 If the law of the country in which the delivery item is located does not permit retention of title, but does allow supplier to reserve other rights in the delivery item, we can exercise all rights of this kind. The Purchaser must participate in such measures that we intend to take in order to protect our retention of title - or, in its place, any other right to the delivery item.

6. Warranty
6.1 Our item is free of defects when its actual condition evidences only minor deviations from the contractually agreed condition and this deviation is reasonable for the Purchaser. Unless otherwise agreed, our Items are designed for single-shift operation (8 hours/day) for 220 days per year.
6.2 We warrant our item/performances to be free from defects as follows: We shall rectify for the Purchaser at no charge all defects for which notification is made within the warranty period at our discretion either through repair or through delivery of flawless parts (subsequent performance). The Purchaser shall return defective parts to us upon request. If a subsequent performance in the required quality is not possible for us, we shall consult with the Purchaser. Inasmuch as this is reasonable for the Purchaser, we may deliver other delivery items or solutions from our product range in fulfilment of our obligation to subsequent performance which display an overall condition that is compatible with that agreed, or, in the absence of an agreement on quality, a condition of the contractual item defined as defect-free according to law.
6.3 The warranty period is 12 (twelve) months as of delivery or, if acceptance is required, as of acceptance. Acceptance in the sense mentioned above is deemed to have been completed if the Purchaser does not refuse the acceptance for stated reasons within one month after dispatch of the respective delivery item / plant.
6.4 The warranty period of clause 6.3 shall not apply in the case of unusual circumstances or if the delivery item is employed in the context of multi-shift operation (more than eight hours/day) in the sense of clause 6.8 or for more than 220 days per year. In these cases, shorter warranty periods shall apply due to the exceptional demands placed on the delivery item; we shall reach an agreement on this with the Purchaser after we have been notified by the Purchaser in accordance with clause 6.8 In the lack of notification or agreement with the Purchaser, the warranty period will be proportionally reduced on the basis of actual multi-shifts. Furthermore, the warranty period for refurbished parts shall be six months as of delivery. For specially marked parts (e.g. electronic parts) as per the operating manual, order or dispatch documents, the warranty period shall expire after a specified number of operating hours as indicated for each individual case but in no event later than 12 months as of delivery.
6.5 The warranty period of clauses 6.3 and 6.4 does not apply for claims for damages by the Purchaser arising from facts and circumstances named in clause 7.1 and not inasmuch as the law prescribes longer periods.
6.6 The Purchaser is not permitted to rectify possible defects himself or have them corrected by third parties without our written consent. This does not apply in urgent cases of endangerment of operational safety, to the prevention of unreasonably great damage or if we are behind schedule with the subsequent performance; but we must be notified without delay in these cases as well. Inasmuch as the Purchaser is permitted to rectify defects himself or by means of competent third parties, he shall be entitled to compensation for reasonable costs for the rectification of defects.
6.7 We provide no warrant if:
a) the Purchaser modifies the delivery item or has it modified by a third party without our consent and the rectification of the defect is hereby rendered impossible or unreasonably difficult. In any case, the Purchaser shall bear the excess costs for the rectification of defects;
b) The delivery item was contrary to the contract not set up by our personnel or was set up or put into operation against their instructions;
c) Our operating and maintenance instructions were not followed or the delivery item was employed or used in any other improper manner;
d) The delivery item was operated by incompetent, untrained personnel provided that the defect was caused by this or our warranty work is thwarted or rendered unreasonably difficult as a consequence.
e) The defect is due to usual and customary wear, provided that the defect was caused by this or our warranty work is thwarted or rendered unreasonably difficult as a consequence.
6.8 The Purchaser shall notify us in writing in a timely fashion before execution of the contract if the delivery item will be subjected to unusual circumstances (site-specific or operational nature) or is to be used for multi-shift operation. If he fails to provide corresponding written notification, this shall be at his own risk.
6.9 If subsequent performance (possibly including several attempts) fails, is refused by us, is unreasonable for the Purchaser or setting of a time limit according to applicable law is unnecessary, the Purchaser is entitled, at his discretion, to reduce the remuneration by a reasonable amount, or withdraw from the contract, without, as otherwise required, the necessity of first specifying a reasonable time period for the subsequent performance and its ineffectual expiration in the event of a serious defect and - provided we do not substantiate that we are not at fault - in accordance with clause 7. to demand damages or compensation for his expenditures in accordance with applicable law, except if we would have no cause to expect this.
6.10 The Purchaser undertakes to declare at our request and within a reasonable time period set for him by us in writing, whether he still insists on the performance and/or which claims and rights to which he is entitled he is exercising. If the Purchaser does not fulfil this obligation, the exercise of these rights or claims shall require the ineffectual expiration of a further reasonable time period set for us by the Purchaser for the subsequent performance if we have not already conclusively refused the subsequent performance. Statutory claims for damages on our part shall remain unaffected.

7. Liability
7.1 Following subsections 7.2 to 7.5 apply to damage claims of any kind, regardless of their legal basis (e.g. liability for defects, default, delay, violation of other obligations arising from contractual obligations, impossibility, tort, etc.), but not to claims due to damage arising from injury to life, limb and health, rights and claims of the Purchaser in the event of fraudulent concealment of a defect by us, or due to the absence of a condition for which we have rendered a guarantee, claims and rights of the Purchaser based on intentional or grossly negligent behavior by us, our legal representatives or persons employed by us in the performance of our obligations, and claims under the Product Liability Act. The above exceptions are governed by the statutory regulations.
7.2 In the event of damage caused by slight negligence, we are liable only if essential rights and obligations are violated that arise from the nature of the contract and the violation of which jeopardizes attainment of the purpose of the contract. In all other respects, our liability is excluded in the event of damage caused by slight or simple negligence.
7.3 In the event of liability on the merits, pursuant to subsection 7.2, for violation of essential contractual obligations, such liability is limited in amount to typical damage to be expected for us at the date of concluding the contract. In these cases, any liability for indirect damages and for consequential damages such as loss of profit is excluded.
7.4 Liability according to subsection 7.3 to be expected for us at the date of concluding the contract is limited to the maximum amount equal to the price paid by the customer for the supply.
7.5 Except for the cases of subsection 7.1, the Purchaser's damage claims become statute-barred - unless a shorter term is prescribed by law - in the event of liability for defects (section 6) upon expiry of the period stipulated in subsection 6.3, sentence 1, otherwise within one (1) year of the occurrence of the damage. In the cases of subsection 7.1, the statutory limitation periods apply.

8. Special conditions for e-commerce
8.1 The Purchaser shall ensure with respect to the customer accounts which exist for his company that only those employees of the Purchaser place electronic orders that have been duly authorized to do so.
8.2 The Purchaser shall ensure and shall instruct his employees accordingly, that passwords and user identifiers for the use of his customer accounts are not given to third parties and must ensure the strict secrecy and safeguarding of this information against unauthorized access or unauthorized parties gaining knowledge of it.
8.3 Unless specifically indicated, the display of delivery items in our online store does not constitute a binding offer but only an invitation to the Purchaser to place orders. The agreement will be concluded by our order confirmation sent via e-mail to the Purchaser.

9. Software, usage rights
9.1 Liability on our part for software-caused errors of the items we have delivered is excluded if the Purchaser changes and/or modifies the software without our consent and this is the cause of the fault.
9.2 If the delivery item contains software, the Purchaser undertakes to connect it to the Internet and act in cooperation as agreed so that it is possible for us to perform remote maintenance.
9.3 The Purchaser is only entitled to install software updates which we have released. If such updates are installed, the Purchaser is obligated to test the compatibility of the update with the respective machine settings by means of trial runs supervised by specialist staff before beginning production.
9.4 The transfer of usage rights to the software is governed by the license conditions for end customers (EULA) of the respective software producer which apply accordingly in the contractual relationship between us and the Purchaser. These license conditions are a significant integral part of this contract. In order to obtain approval for the transfer of the usage rights from us to the Purchaser, the Purchaser confirms by initiation of the software that he accepts the license conditions of the software producer that we deliver together with the software and all components and backup copies. Prior to this, use of the software is not permitted.

10. Export Control
10.1 Deliveries and services (i.e. the fulfilment of contracts) are subject to the condition that the fulfilment is not restricted by national or international regulations, in particular export control regulations and embargoes or other restrictions.
10.2 The parties are obligated to ensure all information and documents required for export/domestic transport/import are correct and complete, and are supplied on time and free of charge.
10.3 Delays caused by export controls or approval procedures take precedence over the specified deadlines and dates, unless they are attributable to our fault.
10.4 If it is not possible to obtain the licenses required for certain items, the contract for the items in question shall be deemed not to have been concluded. This does not depend on the validity or legal effect of the judgment on refusal to export or transfer. In this case, failure to obtain licenses or failure to meet deadlines does not justify a claim for damages, unless this failure is due to the fault of one of the parties.
10.5 The Purchaser undertakes not to trade (offer, sell, deliver) the goods delivered to him by us if this violates the applicable provisions of the export control regulations. In particular, the Purchaser must ensure that any buyer does not trade the goods, but only uses them himself and for civil purposes. In the event of any violation of the provisions of export control law, we have the right to terminate the contract or to withdraw from the contract, and the Purchaser is also obligated to indemnify us from all claims for damages by third parties due to the violation of the provisions of export control law in this regard, compensation for immaterial and material expenses and losses, in particular fines and punitive damages.
10.6 If the Purchaser intends to sell the goods to a buyer in accordance with the above sections 10.1 to 10.5, he must send us a written end-use declaration without being asked. This declaration must specify the name of the buyer, his address and identification numbers, the recipient country and the field of activity of the buyer, and it must make reference to the order number and information on the machine type, number and year of construction. The Purchaser must also warrant that the buyer will only use the goods for civil and lawful purposes.
10.7 The Purchaser is obligated to notify us immediately in writing of any violations of the obligations arising from the above clauses 10.1 to 10.6 that become known to him, regardless of whether they were committed by his employees or by the buyer of the goods.

11. Applicable law, place of jurisdiction
11.1 Exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising directly or indirectly from the contract is the competent judicial authority where we have our registered office. However, we are also entitled to take legal action against Purchaser at his domicile or at the other competent court provided for by law.
11.2 The national law of our country of residence applies exclusively to the exclusion of the conflict of law rules of Private International Law and the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods.

End of the General Terms and Conditions of Sales