Twin head cutting-off machine with 5 NC axes for aluminium, PVC and lightweight alloys, with automatic mobile head movement and electronic management of all angles from 22°30’ (internal) to 45° (external) with a resolution of 280 positions per degree. The 600 mm cemented carbide blades have two different feed modes. Standard feed optimises the cutting chart in the vertical direction for cutting profiles of more than 450 mm in height. Radial mode, protected by one of the several patents covering this machine, makes use of an extremely generous cutting stroke that surpasses the vertical reference surface and produces ample working dimensions in the horizontal direction. This solution allows 45° mitre cuts of profiles of up to 240 mm in width. Blade feed is controlled by two NC axes to ensure optimal adjustment of the blades exit speed and stroke. All axis movements are supported on guideways and recirculating ball shoes. The automatic fully enclosed cutting area guarding, the design of the operator panels, and frontal access to the electric and pneumatic panel, confirm the advanced nature of this machine also from the perspective of safety and ergonomics. PRECISION RS has 5 ultra-high precision NC axes for mobile head positioning, inclination of the two cutting units and for the blades feed movement during cutting operations. Positioning is achieved using an absolute linear magnetic strip measuring system, capable of storing the required position in the memory and dispensing with the need for axes homing procedures. Numerical control of all movements makes it possible to manage all operating parameters – including the blades exit stroke length – from a state-of-the-art touchscreen control console. The HS (High Speed) version envisions an X axis with higher speed and all necessary protections for the automatic work, even unattended. 

Technical data arrow_drop_down
Electronic control of the X axis
HS version X axis positioning speed (standard) (m/min)
HS version X axis positioning speed (optional) (m/min)
Mobile head position reading with absolute magnetic strip direct measuring system
Detection of cutting unit tilting through direct measurement system with absolute magnetic strip
Electronic control of intermediate angles
Maximum internal inclination
Maximum external inclination
CN electronic axis of the blade feed
Electronic profile thickness gauge
Cemented carbide blade
Brushless blade motor rated power - L version (kW)
Brushless blade motor peak power - L version (kW)
Brushless blade motor rated power - H version (kW)
Brushless blade motor peak power - H version (kW)
Effective cut, according to model (mm)
5.000 / 6.000
Minimum cut with PRO software with 2 heads at 90° (mm)
Standard minimum cut with 2 heads at 90° (mm)
Minimum cut with PRO software with 2 heads at 45° internal (mm)
Minimum push feed cut with SLICE software (mm)
Maximum profile width with standard cut (mm)
Maximum profile height with 90° radial cut (mm)
Maximum profile height with external 45° radial cut (mm)
Maximum profile height with internal 45° radial cut (mm)
Maximum profile width with radial cut (mm)
Electrically operated fully enclosed front guarding
Soundproofed integral protection cabin with internal lighting
Pair of horizontal pneumatic vices with "low pressure" device
Pair of horizontal vertical vices
Pair of additional horizontal vices
Manual vices position adjustment on graphic interface
DIGICLAMP - digital vices supervision and positioning control system
Intermediate pneumatic profile support
Roller conveyor on the mobile head with servo-controlled pneumatically operated profile supports
Conveyor belt for step-by-step or automatic cut (HS version only)
Virtual axis for cutting units inclination

Inclination of each head of up to 22°30’ inwards is provided by two circular guides mounted on four pairs of steel rollers. This patented solution makes it possible to eliminate obstructions in the cutting area, all to the benefit of profile positioning and clamping, while also offering greater rigidity than traditional systems. The absolute magnetic strip positioning system dispenses with the need for axes homing procedures, with the associated idle times.

Double-head cutting-off machines Precision RS-HS Virtual axis for cutting units inclination Emmegi
Double-head cutting-off machines Precision RS-HS Radial cut Emmegi
Radial cut
With suitable adjustments, the blade exit stroke can be extended beyond the front surface thus greatly increasing the horizontal axis of the cutting angle chart. Protected by another Emmegi Patent, the radial operating mode enables cutting of large section extrusions or simultaneous cutting of multiple profiles. The optimised geometrical design of the new cutting units makes it possible to obtain a cutting angle chart with generous dimensions also in terms of height.
The ergonomic state-of-the-art control panel features a 10.4” touchscreen display and fully customised software and is packed with functions developed in the Microsoft Windows® environment specifically for this machine. The machining cycle can be optimised by creating cutting lists, thereby reducing scrap and cycle times for workpieces loading-unloading.
Double-head cutting-off machines Precision RS-HS Control Emmegi
Double-head cutting-off machines Precision RS-HS Profile clamping Emmegi
Profile clamping

Making use of the ample space provided by the use of the virtual axis, clamping of the profile to be cut is performed by two horizontal hold-down devices with extreme precision and in absolute safely. For vertical clamping, particularly for special cuts, the machine can be equipped with a patented system of horizontal hold-down devices. The Precision cutting-off machine can be equipped with a roller conveyor on the mobile head, for standard feeding and unloading, or on the fixed head for feeding from the left-hand side.

HS – High Speed
The HS – High Speed version is equipped with a faster X axis (mobile head positioning), and features an integral protection on the sides and at the back, to operate in complete safety, increasing productivity. The safety characteristics of this version, fully inaccessible during operation, allow using automatic cutting cycles, even not supervised, at maximum operational performance.
Double-head cutting-off machines Precision RS-HS HS – High Speed Emmegi
Double-head cutting-off machines Precision RS-HS Label printer Emmegi
Label printer (Optional)

The industrial label printer allows each cut profile to be identified with identifying features from the cutting list. In addition, barcode printing enables easy identification of the profile itself, which is particularly useful for subsequent machining steps on Machining Centres or assisted assembly lines.

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