5-axis CNC machining centre used for the working of bars or aluminium, PVC, light alloys in general and steel pieces. It is provided with two operating modes: a single work area for bars up to 7 m length or two independent work areas in swing mode. The machine in HP version is equipped with 2 additional axes for positioning of vices and reference stops, that allow positioning the vices while the machine is working in swing mode. The 4th and 5th axis allow the electric spindle to continuously rotate to NC from -15° to +90° on horizontal axis and from -360° to +360° on continuous vertical axis, to perform the work on the upper side and on all the lateral sides of the profile. It is provided with a 12-place tools magazine, on the X axis gantry, able to host also one milling disc. It also has a mobile work surface that facilitates the piece loading/unloading operation and significantly increases the workable section.
1F = 1 face machining 5F = 5 faces machining
Dimensions in mm
8.5 kW S1 high torque electrospindle also allows heavy duty machining, which is typical in industrial processing. As an option and for higher performances a 11 kW encoder equipped electrospindle is available for rigid tapping. Electrospindle rotation along B and C axes allows working on 5 sides of the profile, with no need of repositioning. It can be used for some types of steel extrusions as well as for aluminium profiles, thanks to the software-adjusted lubricating system. With its double tank it allows either minimum oil circulation or oil emulsion spray-mist.