Twin head cutting-off machine with 5 NC axes for aluminium and lightweight alloys, with automatic mobile head movement and electronic management of all angles from 22°30’ (internal) to 45° (external) with a resolution of 280 positions per degree. The 600 mm cemented carbide blades have two different feed modes. Standard feed optimises the cutting chart in the vertical direction for cutting profiles of more than 450 mm in height. The radial mode takes advantage of a wide stroke that exceeds the vertical reference plate and generates a large diagram in the horizontal direction, for profiles up to 240 mm wide. The machine is supplied in two versions: PRECISION RS L for cutting light profiles with large section and ordinary thickness; PRECISION RS H for heavy profiles with high cut resistance and high thickness, or design that requires a large contact arc with the blade. The blade feed is controled by two NC axis, assuring the best adjustement of the blade feeding speed and travel.
Inclination of each head of up to 22°30’ inwards is provided by two circular guides mounted on four pairs of steel rollers. This patented solution makes it possible to eliminate obstructions in the cutting area, all to the benefit of profile positioning and clamping, while also offering greater rigidity than traditional systems. The absolute magnetic strip positioning system dispenses with the need for axes homing procedures, with the associated idle times.
Making use of the ample space provided by the use of the virtual axis, clamping of the profile to be cut is performed by two horizontal hold-down devices with extreme precision and in absolute safely. For vertical clamping, particularly for special cuts, the machine can be equipped with a patented system of horizontal hold-down devices. The Precision cutting-off machine can be equipped with a roller conveyor on the mobile head, for standard feeding and unloading, or on the fixed head for feeding from the left-hand side.
The industrial label printer allows each cut profile to be identified with identifying features from the cutting list. In addition, barcode printing enables easy identification of the profile itself, which is particularly useful for subsequent machining steps on Machining Centres or assisted assembly lines.
The electric panel air conditioner is the solution for all applications where the environmental conditions require a higher cooling level to preserve the efficiency and durability of the machine electrical and electronic components. A dedicated, carefully sized equipment allows to maintain the correct temperature and humidity inside the electric panel even under unfavourable climatic conditions and extreme workloads.