Double-head cutting-off machine with 5 controlled axes for aluminium, PVC and light alloys with automatic movement of the mobile head and electronic management of all 45° (internal) to 15° (external) angles, with a precision, within each degree, of 280 positions. In the basic version blade advancement is driven by a couple of hydro-pneumatic cylinders. In version E this advancement is also managed by a couple of CN axes, to ensure optimal speed regulation and output travel of the blades. 550mm-blade Available with a useful cut of 5 m or 6 m in length. The HS (High Speed) version envisions an X axis with higher speed and all necessary protections for the automatic work, even unattended, in order to obtain maximum production.
Inclination of each head of up to 15° outwards is provided by two circular guides mounted on four pairs of steel rollers. This patented solution makes it possible to eliminate obstructions in the cutting area, all to the benefit of profile positioning and clamping, while also offering greater rigidity than traditional systems. The absolute magnetic strip positioning system dispenses with the need for axes homing procedures, with the associated idle times.
The industrial label printer allows each cut profile to be identified with identifying features from the cutting list. In addition, barcode printing enables easy identification of the profile itself, which is particularly useful for subsequent machining steps on Machining Centres or assisted assembly lines.